Registration for dance education at

Inland Empire Dance Center

Thank you for visiting our website & looking to become a student with the Inland Empire Dance Center!

Simply email: for online registration! 

**Regardless of vaccination status**

By signing up for classes, you are agreeing & understand masks are optional for staff, students & anyone entering our facility.  


Inland Empire Dance Center

Attendance - Dress Code - Rules & Etiquette








Students are expected to maintain regular attendance in the minimum number of classes required for their particular level. An exception would be an absence due to illness or other acceptable reason, in which case the class may be made up in another class of the same level or lower level. Classes missed due to illness may be made up any time during the following 2 months. Students are expected to arrive on time and ready for class. 

We reserve the right to cancel, or postpone any class at any time. If you arrive more than 8 minutes late, for your safety, you will not be allowed to take class. Classes are not solely based on age. If a student is more advanced than their age group, they will be moved into classes accordingly; At the instructors discretion.

Under no circumstances will there be REFUNDS and/or ADJUSTMENTS in 

tuition for any reason.

*Classes and instructors are subject to change without advanced warning.*

Tuition is due the first of each month: We are based on a monthly billing system. Class Tuition is billed on a 12-month payment scale based on an average number of classes per month. Thus, tuition is the same each month regardless of how many lessons there are in any given month.

You have several payment options...

1) Fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form and your monthly tuition will then be automatically charged each month on the first.

2) Online using PayPal, Visa, Mastercard (debit), Venmo.

3) Mail checks to IEDC 6056 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506

made out to IEDC.

4) Over night drop slot located on our front door. Please do not mail or leave cash in the drop slot.

We do not mail out billing statements. Parents are responsible for the information that is posted on social media the "BAND" App and our website.  

Students are registered and her/his place is held in class for the entire school year, from the date the registration form is signed through the year. Unless the student is removed from class by having a parent or guardian sign and date the “Class Withdrawal Form”, the parent or guardian will be responsible for tuition payments throughout the year.

The only way to withdraw from a class is to complete the “Class Withdrawal Form”. This will stop the billing process. If the customer does not give this written notice, monthly tuition will still be processed through auto-pay for the next month’s classes and they will be financially responsible for the amount. IF YOU ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE MONTH, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FULL MONTHLY TUITION. Calling, speaking to someone, telling a teacher or e-mail are not accepted as forms of withdrawal.

It is strongly advised to complete the form 4 weeks (one month) in advance so that we can cancel your automatic payment with the bank. Classes already paid for above and beyond the 4-week withdrawal notice will remain as a credit on your account for up to two years to be used on future tuition. The 4-week notice begins from the date the withdrawal form is signed and dated at the bottom of registration form. Classes or payment from the 4-week withdrawal notice are not transferable to another student or sibling.

We have a strict NO REFUND policy. That includes Tuition, costumes, competition and travel fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. No credits or refunds for any reason. This applies to our Competition Dance team as well. If for ANY reason a dancer drops a piece due to ANY reason, that dancer's parents/guardians must issue a FULL refund to the other students that are affected by their departure. For example; Duo's, trio's & groups.

A $30.00 late fee will be applied if paid after the 3rd of the month. We offer online, in person, and night drop box for payments.


  • Perfect posture and attitude is a must.

  • Attention should be towards the instructor at all times.

  • Finish each exercise.

  • Wear your mask.

  • Sitting down is never allowed.

  • Pay attention to corrections given to other students they are for you as well.

  • Pay attention to questions asked.

  • While awaiting your turn, prepare yourself to begin dancing after each dancer finishes.

  • In the center, when you finish your routine, move out of the way for other dancers.

  • Be quiet. Speak only if asking a question, and the instructor gives permission to do so.

  • Use the restroom before class.

  • Thank the instructor after each class. Curtsy and clap.

  • Dress code should be adhered to at all times. (See Dress Code)

  • Gum-chewing is not permitted while in class.

  • If you are sitting out the class due to illness or injury, sit in the front corner of the classroom and do not speak, unless the instructor permits you too.


  • Arrive early and be ready to start your class at its scheduled time. Arriving at the start-time of your class means you will be late.

  • Wear your mask at all times!

  • If you arrive for class 5-10 minutes late, you will not be allowed to take class, sit in the front, and silently watch.

  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes after the start of the class, you will not be permitted to enter.

  • You may enter the studios only when the instructor is present.

  • The dry-erase boards are for instructor use only.

  • Pay in a timely manner. Tuition is due on the 1st, & a $20 late fee AFTER the 3rd will be applied regardless of closure, absence, etc. There is a drop box, mailbox, and tuition box at the front desk.

  • NO refunds in tuition, competition, convention, or costume fees. Once the payments are made to vendors, it is FINAL!

  • Siblings will not be permitted to remain in the building unattended.

  • Keep your voice down. There is no running, playing, or yelling allowed.

  • Parents need to be on time to pickup their child after each class or rehearsal. We are not responsible for your children once they are finished with class.

  • No food or drinks allowed inside the studios at any time. Water bottles only.

  • No teasing, humiliating, or bully like behavior is allowed by students, parents, or guests in our facility.

  • Light snacks are to be eaten in the Lobby area only, and disposed of properly (including crumbs)

  • Instructors, faculty, and any adult assisting are to be referred to with a Mister of Miss before their first or last name, at all times.

  • Students are to remain indoors at all times!

  • Parents, and guests are never allowed in any classroom, unless invited by the Artistic Director.

  • All final decisions are made by the Artistic Director.

  • No foul, rude, demeaning, or derogatory statements will be tolerated.

  • Focus, dance, listen, and treat the studio as your second home.

  • Have fun, & dance!